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Cannabis Production Platform

The market size of legal cannabis quadruples every five years. States are legalizing recreational sale and consumption at increasing speed. Cannabis is growing up.

As cultivation moves out of hiding and into the limelight, there will be a cash-grab from short-term opportunists, but the real opportunity lies in the long term. Those who see the full picture will be able to set themselves up for consistent, scalable growth in the years and decades to come.

There’s still a bit of a DIY culture in the cannabis industry, with growers working off gut feelings and analog processes ... holdovers from the illicit days. Spreadsheets, manual entry, siloed information, and a hodgepodge of tools and technologies that don’t play together as well as they could.

Success will come from being able to see everything, all at once ... not just to grow the most, most profitable, and highest quality products, but to run your business as efficiently and transparently as possible. To do that takes a Cannabis Production Platform.

A Cannabis Production Platform (CPP) is a combination of sensors, instruments, and software that gives you the historical data commercial cannabis producers need to gain clear insights, learn, scale, and improve. By taking data-driven action, growers will be able to increase their output per square foot per year, and do so more profitably, sustainably and intelligently. Higher yields. Consistently quality. Repeatable success.

Tools of the Trade

Sensors: It all starts with precision sensor equipment that measures key metrics in your environment, substrate, tanks, pipes and canopy. At AROYA®, we invent and build industry-leading sensors with our own hands.

Software: All that data needs to be stored, reported on, and easily understood. AROYA’s powerful (and beautiful) software delivers these insights directly to your phone, tablet, or laptop. So no matter where you are, you can run your business the right way.

How It Works Together

With these powerful tools in one cannabis production platform, commercial cannabis producers can now collect and organize data to improve yield on each batch. They can also schedule and automate tasks, allowing them to focus elsewhere. We make high-level science simpler and more actionable for everyone involved in the cannabis production process.

Plus, with integrated control, crop steering, compliance, ERP, track/trace, shipping and tagging, you can stay on top of everything at all levels, from the growhouse to the C-suite, from seed to package. All in one place, all fully transparent and in lockstep with local regulators.


  • Canopy management
  • Crop steering
  • Cultivation data tracking by room, harvest, and strain
  • Digital grow journal
  • DLI sensors
  • Environment sensors for temp, RH, and VPD
  • Grow calendar
  • Integrated pest management
  • Lighting measurement
  • Pipe and tank sensors for EC and temp
  • Plant tag import and tracking
  • Strain and harvest batch recipes
  • Substrate sensors for WC, EC, and temp


  • Post-harvest water activity monitoring


  • Bidirectional metrc integration (california only)
  • Bluetooth balances for auto-harvest
  • Harvest batch yield tracking
  • Package creation and tracking
  • Unlimited metrc license interfaces
  • Unlimited seat licenses
  • Waste and cull tracking


  • Facility map
  • Integrated ERP
  • Smart alerts
  • Task management
  • Yield per square foot per year calculations


We not only saw a need to modernize and integrate, but to standardize and optimize. We’ve tested, refined, and perfected the process of building the ultimate cannabis tool for cultivation, drying, processing, and business growth. We eat, sleep, and breathe science and technology, and we’re passing that in-house expertise right onto you.

Our cannabis production platform is not just the first to the market, but we believe it will continue to be the best and the new standard. The way we work is to give you everything you need to succeed: the right science, the right tool for the job, and the right support at the right time to keep you scalably successful.

The Future Is Now

As the industry evolves, the way we grow and do business will need to evolve along with it. The easy money will dry up, and the real money will be made. Those who remain successful after the “green rush” will be those who learn, improve, scale, and optimize faster than their peers. At AROYA, we built just the platform to help you do that.

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