Office Hours

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AROYA® Office Hours is a weekly Google Hangout session held every Thursday at 1:20 pm PST/4:20 pm EST to answer your burning questions about cultivation. This is your chance to ask about crop steering, sensors, and the many ways AROYA can help with commercial craft cultivation!

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Office Hours60 min watch

AROYA Office Hours Episode 109: Perpetual harvest tips, using real-time data for drybacks, secondary metabolites, & more!

Office Hours Episode 109

Cultivation knowledge is power!

Office Hours60 min watch

AROYA Office Hours Episode 108: Testing field capacity, calculating VPD, post-drying SOPs, & much more!

Office Hours Episode 108

How’s it growing?

Office Hours60 min watch

AROYA Office Hours Episode 107: Leaf removal tips, dialing in drying, ripening cues, & much more!

Office Hours Episode 107

Cultivating crop-steering competency!

Office Hours60 min watch

Managing EC levels, low stress training, balancing pH and nutrients, & much more!

Office Hours Episode 106

Data-driven discussions every Thursday!

Office Hours60 min watch

Talking genetics, breeding, and terpenes with Dewey Cannabis Co. Co-Founder Jordan Zager!

Office Hours Episode 105

Let’s get our grow on!

Office Hours60 min watch

EC versus PPM, steering to impact morphology, navigating hand-watering, & much more!

Office Hours Episode 104

Talking shop about growing crops!

Office Hours60 min watch

Sensor-cleaning SOPs, grow pot materials, irrigation shot strategies, & much more!

Office Hours Episode 103

Knowledge to help you grow smarter!

Office Hours60 min watch

Nutrient management, drought stress, whiteboard debut, & much more!

Office Hours Episode 102

Getting into the weeds of cultivation!

Office Hours60 min watch

Considerations for coco newbies, dialing in the dry room, dryback math, & much more!

Office Hours Episode 101

Back to the business of talking crops!

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