
Increase innovation with
data-driven leadership.

Solve problems faster

The AROYA® cannabis production platform offers you actionable insights gathered from visualizing and analyzing your data, which allows you to make more effective and timely decisions. The intuitive interface is easy for everyone to learn and use—from cultivators, to scientists, to C-suite managers.

Discover insights
and quickly resolve problems.

Tracking your historical data means you’ll continuously learn and improve: recipes, cultivar and facility analytics, scenario analysis, capacity building, and benchmarking. Now you can get detailed reports and real-time visibility to run (and improve) your business from anywhere, anytime. Being able to pinpoint data can also help your cannabiz simplify and maintain compliance with regulatory and industry standards. All in one place for everyone who needs to know and for anyone who wants to grow.

Expert guidance,
on-demand support.

We’re with you every step of the way, from implementation and solution design to processing and harvest. Free your leadership team from uncertainty and exhausting micromanagement. Take back your bandwidth and enjoy peace of mind. AROYA is designed to help elevate your whole cultivation operation to the next level.

Join the 600+ companies in becoming a top-shelf producer


"The second I really started putting numbers on values, numbers on what my master grower's definition of good was through the AROYA system, it really became like seeing color for the first time."

Arthur Mazloumian
Senior Director of Cultivation

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