Knowledge Base

Knowledge Base

Comprehensive but digestible. Our Education Guides are structured to help you learn and take meaningful action on complex cultivation challenges. Go from beginner to expert in 30 minutes or less.

Case Studies

Education Guides15 min read

Crop steering - The Ultimate Guide

Knowledge Base

Learn about AROYA crop steering management practices in this article, allowing more successful cultivation.

Education Guides4 min read

Field Capacity 101

Education Guides

Learn about field capacity, along with information on Intelligent water management, which is a key tenet of effective crop steering.

Office Hours

Office Hours51 min watch

AROYA Office Hours Episode Twenty-Three: Crop Steering, Grow Mediums, Cloning, CEC, and Hydrophobics

Episode 23

Dropping that cultivation education with Seth and Jason on another dank episode. Check out the highlights!

Office Hours44 min watch

AROYA Office Hours Episode Twenty-One (5/12): Data, Optimizing Recipes, and Why We Don't Say 'Flush'

Episode 21

If you've ever had questions about the ultimate cannabis production platform, Phil and Jason probably covered it on this week's virtual education session.