Episode 64

AROYA Office Hours Episode Sixty-Four: Getting traction with extractions, cannabis Brix, reporting live from Hall of Flowers, & More!

Growing and learning together every single week!

On this week’s episode of Office Hours Jason, Kaisha, and Rachel joined the session live from the show that’s all about that Cali heat: Hall of Flowers in Santa Rosa!

Then Seth held it down in the studio, answering your questions on a bunch of hot topics – from considerations when cultivating for extracts, to optimal pot shapes, to the benefits of using the Brix measurement, and so much more! Check out these highlights…

Max your extraction.

"If I'm going for extract now, it's not about pounds per light anymore. It's about total cannabinoid content produced out." – Seth

Why pot shape matters.

"If we looked at the optimal plant pot shape for having the maximum amount of water held in the space that we wanted – that's why we look at a pyramid, basically, because if gravity holds the most water down here, that's where we want the most volume of our media." – Seth

Wiser words were never spoken.

“Don't let the grind kill you." – Seth



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