Episode 53

AROYA Office Hours Episode Fifty-Three: A First Look at AROYA Split Graphs + Our Cultivation Q&A!

The team is back at it and we’re showing you some brand new features this week.

It’s all about utilizing the right tools.

“I'll always go back to it—all of these products we're using, you know, you're talking about something being made to be sold to a farmer. So it's really important to utilize all the tools you have at your disposal to make sure you're doing the best job that you can.” -Seth Baumgartner

The future is green.

“People have been growing great cannabis for a long time, but more people are doing a good job at growing good cannabis than ever before.” - Seth

Why data matters in the garden (AROYA can give it to ya).

“I think this is one of the reasons that our system’s become so critical for cultivation at scale, is just because it makes people have the ability to track as much data as possible and understand insights as far as what's growing.” - Jason Van Leuven

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