Episode 41

AROYA Office Hours Episode Forty-One: Hall of Flowers, Coco vs Rockwool, PPFD, and Ripening

The cannabis cultivation never slows down around here, and last week's session of AROYA Office Hours was more than enough evidence to prove that.

For episode 41, we had Seth in the studio and Kaisha and Jason live and on location at Hall of Flowers out in Santa Rosa, CA! What a treat it was to get to check in with them and catch up with our clients out on the West Coast.

But we had our classic crop steering Q&A, too. Seth handled those, including topics like the benefits behind using coco vs rockwool, PPFD and our love for all things lighting, and what we think about using things like amino acids and silica.

Learn what he had to say and read about the key takeaways from our latest podcast (full video is embedded below, just for you).

Set up a system that works for every strain.

“At the end of the day, each plant at each plant, but each strain is gonna have a different preference. So it's going, ‘Okay, how can we manipulate what we've got in our system to actually work with this?’” -- Seth Baumgartner

Don't neglect the main pillars in your pursuit of nutes.

“When we take away any of those three main pillars of plant production (light, carbon, and water), it doesn't matter what nutrients you're running, like the plant doesn't care how much those cost, it doesn't care what media you're in when those things aren't in abundance. We're not producing the same growth.” -- Seth

Give yourself some room.

“Always set it safely and give yourself a little buffer room. Remember you're playing the game of averages.” -- Seth

The tools will tell you...

“Without having the tools to really dial this in, it's very, very difficult. And you could end up in a situation where you've got a beautiful facility that's just built amazingly and everything's really easy. Well now you move to one that's got some compromises. Being able to quantify what's actually the problem suddenly becomes difficult ‘cause you might not realize how important certain aspects were at the previous facility where everything just worked nicely.” -- Seth


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