Episode 25

AROYA Office Hours Episode Twenty-Five: Cultivation, Drybacks, Ideal Grow Mediums, and RFID

It doesn't get more educational than this! Check out the crop steering knowledge Seth and Jason dropped on us this week.

Can you believe it? We've had twenty-five whole episodes of AROYA Office Hours already. Our knowledge base and virtual audience just keeps growing and it's beyond exciting to see.

In case you missed last week's sesh, Seth and Jason went over a ton of topics: their tried-and-true cultivation techniques, tips for achieving better drybacks, an overview on irrigation, and even a few new product features we're considering based on your customer feedback (think RFID scanners for employee logins).

So settle in and get ready for the highlights from this office hours. We've got the recap and the full video below!

Our tech is built around what's important to growers.

"A lot of the reason this product is the way it is is because of industry research going out. We spent almost two years just analyzing how people were growing and the different platforms, and what became obvious was that data visibility. That was one of the things that could definitely improve a facility's performance." -- Jason Van Leuven

You gotta keep up with cannabis.

"I think for me, a really exciting ability of embracing technology in agriculture—and especially in cannabis—is cannabis grows so quickly. That means we have to make decisions faster." -- Jason

Consider energy spent when steering generatively.

"When we're growing as much biomass as fast as we can, we want to make sure that all the energy that plant is putting out into its growth is going to be utilized in a sellable product. So that's one of the reasons that we do generative steering is to control the plant height, get as much weight as we can get those nodes spaces built up, and optimize every bit of energy and nutrients going into that plant." -- Jason


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