Office Hours Episode 122

Dryback calculator updates, putting VPD to work, breaking down brix, & more!

Plant nerds forever!

Kaisha sat in the studio next to Jason for a change while Cian chimed in (and shared his graphs!) during what wound up being a super fun session this week! We covered everything from sharing what’s new with our dryback calculator to digging more deeply into how to balance VPD and pH levels, to celebrating how telling plants we love them is a big part of the process, and so much more! 

After you dig into the episode, don’t forget to sign up to meet up with us at MJBizCon for the biggest launch in cultivation history!

Tech Is A Love Language

“And one of the things that, for me, sometimes doesn't necessarily get understood from people that haven't necessarily utilized some technology – but, you know, they'll be like, ‘oh, well, I'm sitting on the computer all the time looking at graphs instead of…telling my plants I love them.” And when I was cultivating, it actually gave me a lot more time to go just be with the plants because I was able to automate a lot of the things that we were doing manually. ” – Jason

Balancing VPD

“Your plant essentially needs all of these different pieces and parts balanced so that it's able to effectively use the CO2 that you are providing in the room and it's able to go through photosynthesis effectively. VPD is, you know, one of those huge parts of that equation. And I think understanding these different parts of how it's going to affect your equipment and your operation when you're looking at these calculators is a great way to be able to understand, okay, if I set my equipment this way, what's this going to do? If my environment is at this metric, how is my VPD looking? Am I within that range or am I outside that range?” – Cian

Crop Steering Put Simply

“Everybody's crop steering, they just sometimes aren't doing it on purpose with an intended goal. You know that that plant is responding to however you're irrigating, the environment that you're in, what your nutrient concentrations are, it's responding to that. And so crop steering is kind of just…intentionally manipulating those variables in order to achieve a specific outcome. Sometimes that's higher quality, sometimes that's higher yield. Most people I work with want both.” – Jason

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