Episode 1

AROYA Office Hours Episode One: 5 Key Takeaways from AROYA Office Hours

On November 11, we opened our office up (virtually, of course!) to over 20 of our customers and craft cultivators to share their stories and ask questions. It was such a big hit, we’ve decided to host one every week!

Join us every Thursday at 4:20 p.m. ET, to engage in lively and insightful conversation with our experts here on Team AROYA on all things cultivation and cannabis production. We love answering questions and we love even more when our community comes together.

Here are five quick-hitters from last week’s discussion, which included insights from our CEO Scott Campbell, and our Director of Customer Success, Jason Van Leuven.

AROYA is a production platform, not (just) a crop steering app.

“What we've tried to build is a system that helps you understand what you're doing with each cultivar that you're growing, maximize the yield on that cultivar using techniques like crop steering, then continually improve upon that over time.” -- Scott Campbell, CEO

The significance of grams per square foot per year in a growing market.

“[Because] the market is growing quickly, most producers are worried about being able to give supply to the market [their top-line] … not so much worried about their efficiency [their bottom-line]. Grams per square foot per year is a top-line revenue metric. So, if you multiply grams per square foot per year by your wholesale price, that's what your revenue is going to be.” -- Scott Campbell

Environmental consistency is key.

“Getting consistency in your environment, making sure that your temperatures are in the right area, and achieving the humidity to match that temperature for appropriate VPD ... all these things are how you can have repeatable [grow] cycles.” -- Jason Van Leuven, Director of Customer Success

Start with stability.

“[T]he first step before we really even start making any decisions based on this data is we want some controlled variable data that gives us an idea of how stable [the inputs are]. And if we haven't achieved some stability, let's take a step back and start working on improving facility resources to get those things where we want to be.” -- Jason Van Leuven

Get a good baseline. Then innovate.

“Always to do at least one harvest cycle without making any significant changes. That way you've got a control dataset, and you get an understanding of what your variability is before you start to pull in strings around the facility.” -- Jason Van Leuven

For more nuggets of wisdom like these and the opportunity to get your burning questions answered (by our team or by other vaunted members of the cannabis producing community), step into our office - our next session happens Thursday, November 18 at 4:20pm ET.


Get on the invite list here, DM us your questions on Instagram, or apply to be a guest and share your own expertise with a captive audience!

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