
New Cultivar Profiles Puts Everybody on the Same Page

AROYA’s new Cultivar Profiles feature lets users compile target outcomes for each cultivar directly into the platform so they’re viewable – and achievable – from anywhere!

Manually log key performance indicators (KPIs) learned throughout a strain’s run history directly into Cultivar Profiles so everyone in the organization, from the grow team to the C-suite, knows exactly what targets to hit. Specify Performance Targets including wet weight per plant and dry weights per square foot, Test results like THC%, Attributes like terpenes and effects, Difficulties including sensitivities and pest risk, and much more. And the image gallery lets users capture pictures of plants, graphs, and other helpful visuals. 

From making target KPIs accessible to everyone within an organization, including facilities in other states, to breeders sharing screenshots of target outcomes with growers in their network – Cultivar Profiles makes achieving product consistency from market to market more possible than ever. And it’s only available to AROYA Core customers.

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