The Wood Wide Web

Wood Wide Highcraft

The Wood Wide Web


There’s an entire universe beneath our feet, a vast underground interconnection between our planet’s trees and millions of fungi and bacteria. This system of collaboration known as the Wood Wide Web ensures the transfer of nutrients between roots and the soil for tens of thousands of trees that extends across dozens of countries around the globe. For Wood Wide co-founders Michael Strupp and Ryan Birchard, it serves as inspiration: a reminder that cannabis is a community-building source of connection.

Everything is connected

“You can put a seed in the ground and not touch it, and you're gonna have a pretty good product or you can do a lot to it and have an incredible product too. It's just one of those things that really responds to the human touch. It provides so much joy to people. It provides so much joy to grow as a cultivator.”

Michael Strupp,
Co-Founder Wood Wide

Seeds of Synergy

The Emerald Triangle has solidified its place in the chronicles of cannabis history. But while cities like Humboldt and Ukiah are forever linked to California’s cannabis heritage, Fort Bragg’s cannabis culture is lesser-known. For Mendocino coast natives Michael and Ryan, love for all plants was just part of their upbringing – but connection to the plant is what sparked a mutual interest in indoor cultivation. After life took them in different directions, the childhood friends’ return to Mendocino and eventual reconnection led them to start a business together. These days, things are taking off at their newest facility – a converted airplane hangar – as they get ready for their next journey: launching Wood Wide, the brand.

“Anything that gives you more control, which is exactly what AROYA helps you do, is something that we want to be part of.”

Michael Strupp,
Co-Founder Wood Wide


“AROYA has really given us the data to really show what's going on in our root zone and in our rooms and be able to translate that into the best production that we can create.”

Ryan Birchard,
Co-Founder Wood Wide

“Before AROYA? Everything you feel and you see, and you have to make a decision off of that and you hope it's the right one. Whereas with AROYA, you're getting a much more accurate picture.”

Nina Keatley,
Head of Cultivation Wood Wide

Connecting the dots

When the goal is to go from manually lifting pots and hand-watering to an auto-watering system, understanding what’s really going on with the plants is key. After hearing about AROYA from growers in their network who found success using the platform, Wood Wide took it on—and the insights were immediate. “A lot of it, especially in the beginning, was showing us what we were doing wrong,” Michael says. Through tracking and monitoring water content and having access to historical data, Wood Wide found opportunity—and efficiency—by honing in on their irrigation.

A bridge between past and future

Now with data from AROYA, getting a handle on EC and water content is easier than ever. Plants are dialed in at every growth stage, recipes are replicable, and handwritten notes are a relic of the past—setting the stage for even better things to-come. “It's really just brought our growing style up to the next level,” Ryan says.

Web of connection

Growing plants so they express full potential, being able to replicate results, having time to identify and adopt new cultivars more quickly—these are just a few of the efficiencies made possible with data. And as the Emerald Cup award-winner transitions from cultivating for other brands to launching their own, the spirit behind the Wood Wide name comes even more to the forefront. “We just want to connect with that end user,” Michael says. “We really have always tried to cultivate our own unique flavor. And that's how we're really gonna be able to set ourselves apart—to deliver something that you can only find grown the Wood Wide way.”