
In hardship for brothers

In this family of cultivators, loyalty runs deep.


That’s why the roots at Elevate are so strong. Through a lifetime of supporting each other, two brothers have managed to build a business that now contributes to so many in their family. And it all started with a plant.

A Brother-Turned-Mentor

The seeds that sow the story behind Elevate Cannabis Co. began in hardship. Before Richard Bardsley and Kevin Krivitsky’s cannabusiness began, the two brothers were left to forge their own paths, without much more than each other.

Family That Grows Together

What keeps the budding canna-biz scaling into new realms of opportunities—which now includes retail, cultivation, manufacturing, distribution, packaging, and local delivery to Cali residents in LA and the Valley—isn’t angel investors or initial public offerings. It’s a commitment to the people and the growing family themselves.

"My brother really raised me since I was a child . . . My father was incarcerated my whole life. So my brother really assumed the role of being my father figure and being my mentor. You know, honestly speaking, he's my hero. Because he was able to take me from a little boy and grow me into a man and put me in this industry that I've been in for sixteen years."

Richard Bardsley,
General Manager of Cultivation, Elevate Cannabis Co.

"My brother really raised me since I was a child . . . My father was incarcerated my whole life. So my brother really assumed the role of being my father figure and being my mentor. You know, honestly speaking, he's my hero. Because he was able to take me from a little boy and grow me into a man and put me in this industry that I've been in for sixteen years."

Richard Bardsley,
General Manager of Cultivation, Elevate Cannabis Co.

grow rooms

"When you're able to deal with someone, that's your best friend and like a father to you, it makes it all that much more special."

Richard Bardsley,
General Manager of Cultivation, Elevate Cannabis Co.

From Legacy to Licensed

As any experienced cultivator knows, transitioning from the underground market into newly-legal territories doesn’t come without its own challenges. From being raided just a few years ago to operating above board (albeit, with all of the extra taxes), this is all just a day’s work. And with expansion plans and a third dispo in Oxnard on the way, the fruits of their labor are materializing more and more each day.

"Coming from the legacy market into the licensed side had its obstacles, but it's also been rewarding because we've been able to build this brand and kind of established ourselves as pioneers that were able to transition from legacy into licensed. It's been rewarding."

Richard Bardsley,
General Manager of Cultivation, Elevate Cannabis Co.

The Turning Point for Their Tech

g/sqft before AROYA
g/sqft after AROYA

It’s Going to Be Beautiful

Looking back to their beginning, it’s inspiring to see how much the family has created for themselves out of virtually nothing, save for their determination. But the years of hard work and loyalty are paying off and the future's looking bright for Elevate. The proof is in the profit (and their happy customers in California).

"It's a joy to be able to come to work every single day and do what you love, but also create something that helps people."

Richard Bardsley,
General Manager of Cultivation, Elevate Cannabis Co.

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